Tuesday, October 09, 2007

jen's going home tomorrow =(

my friend jj is going home tomorrow. =(

we had a lot of fun while she was here- shopping, taking pics, eating sushi, talking. i'll miss her.

btw, i asked her why she didn't hit my blog with a really good story of me to amuse all of you and she surprised me- she said she couldn't think of any stories that weren't really really embarrassing.

it's true, she has some really embarrassing stories about me, but i was surprised becuase i thought she would have delighted in the opportunity to really stick it to me. =)

especially after i mentioned that her first boyfriend, david, kissed me in his bedroom not too long after they broke up. (now there's a memory)

it's not too late, jj- you could still hack my blog again before you leave...

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