so i've had a little lull in blogging lately for several reasons:
1. my whole life changed before my very eyes and i didn't think it fair to those involved to share personal details whilst in the midst of the change.
2. my whole life changed before my very eyes and i didn't have the energy to breathe, much less log onto blogger and type actual words.
3. once things slowed down a bit, i realized that my vision for my blog had fallen somewhat out of focus.
so my blogging purpose is a little out of focus. can you help?
the purpose of my blog, as i previously defined it, was threefold:
1. to share online treasures that would expand the minds of my readers
2. to share my experiences
3. to share my photos/videos
sounds noble enough, right?
the first purpose seemed the most important, since i don't see myself as the 'my blog is really my journal' sort of blogger.
and in regards to that first purpose, my filter was this- if some treasure online made me stop and think 'wow, that's pretty sweet/different/geeky/innovative/special', then i would blog about it.
however, now, i see something that makes me think that at least once or twice a day, so that i have treasure overload and it all seems lame, somehow.
plus, maybe i just don't think my readers are having a hard time finding interesting stuff online, so what service am i really providing?
now what?
so i'm considering two things:
1. blog about myself and don't worry about expanding the minds of my BLAH BLAH BLAH- why not have another journal.blog, eh? and besides, i don't call you all often enough so this may be the only way you know what's going on with me... if i go with this option, i'd leave the new 'internet stuff's' content in the right column over there (no images or preview, tho), which highlights the things i find on the internet all the time that i like (----->), but i'd just talk about myself and what's going on and i wouldn't feel the constant urge to come up with links and reviews of new/unique/cool stuff online (let myself off the hook, right?).
... or...
2. close my blog down- are the ramblings of s.r.q so interesting that ya'll will return just to read my thoughts and (gasp) feelings?? maybe this blog thing should really go away for awhile...
i dunno, what do you think? let me know if you feel strongly either way, or even if you don't feel strongly. is there a better option i've missed?
thanks in advance for your opinion...
I personally love that I get a little glipse into where you are at... Keep going!
I would miss you.
Keep blogging, girl!
No, please don't stop blogging! I love both your 'interesting internet finds' and the info on what's going on in your life.
I would miss you too!
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