Friday, June 10, 2005

cello love

i checked out my cello in the basement. i haven't opened that case since 1998. i was surprised by two things when i opened the case:
1. how sentimental i was about seeing my cello again. =)
2. that i had forgotten that i had wrapped a towel around it so that it wouldn't get damaged during our move to minnesota in 1998. the towel reminded me that i've always been sentimental about my cello.

i'm tearing up a bit at the excitement i feel at having committed to playing again. i checked out costs for purchasing strings online and it's sort of pricey. i could get some cheap ones for $60 bucks or some really really expensive ones for more than the cello itself cost (thanks mom and dad). it looks like bridges cost somewhere around the same (between $60 and ohmygod).

things i have done:
1. re-established the bond i have with my instrument
2. found a site to order strings from
3. found a site to give me a general idea of bridge costs
4. called the shop to ask about sound post reposting ($10-$15)

here's what i still need to do:
1. find a discarded bag of cash outside my door
2. order new strings
3. get the cello into the shop and get the sound post reposted
4. buy a new bridge
5. play =)

feelings i am having:
1. excitement about playing again
2. love for my cello
3. nervousness about when i will find a discarded bag of cash outside my door
4. fear that i won't follow through with this plan
5. (sometimes) annoyance at myself for having committed to this plan

right now, the happiness is most prominent. i'm going to go turn on some cello music to make the most of it.

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