Wednesday, May 31, 2006

dancing queen

my friend jules sent me this link to a hilarious video of a guy counting down the last few centuries of dance.

it's worth watching for sure, just for the few laugh out loud moments.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

neat photo zooming thingy

your first click is only the beginning... before you know it, you've clicked like 25 times, then 40, then 72 times!!

it's not that the clicking is scary, just that you never intended to click so many times, and now you're clicking again!!


because i'm compensating for my shortcomings

aaron loves this new ad for the vw passat.

(lowest ego emissions of any german engineered sedan)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

therapeutic massage by kat

my good friend kat mcgerik gave me a gift certificate for 1.5 hours of her therapeutic massage and i redeemed it yesterday.

she really is very very talented at what she does.

as i laid on the table being massaged, i had thoughts to myself like- ooh, she just grazed over a spot that i think could use some special attention, should i tell her?

then, without my saying a word, she would find that spot and work it with enough intensity to hurt really bad and feel really good, all at the same time. it was like magic. not one spot got past her, and i never said a word.

when she was done, she left the room and i stretched, curled into a fetal position and felt the most relaxed i remember feeling in a very long time.

this chick is the bomb!

brian's bonk

we played kickball last night, great fun for everyone.

brian amused us all by trying to catch a foul ball, only to be rewarded with a bonk to the head.

it was hilarious.

thanks brian!! (check out the video here).

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

google moon and google mars

have you seen the google maps for the moon and mars?

see what happens when you zoom in all the way on the moon... =)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

happy blog anniversary to me

yep, it's been a whole year since i started this thing. remember my first blog?

stats- i started counting visitors earlier this year, and since january 22nd, i've had 530 visitors. most of you visit on tuesdays and thursdays.

let me know if there is anything i can do to make my blog even better, i'd love your suggestions.

thanks for reading!!


aaron is a great guy

most of you that know him already know that he is great.

i think of him as the best kind of person the world has to offer.

- infinitely caring
- fiercely loyal
- amazingly gentle
- dependantly independant
- threateningly intellectual
- strikingly handsome

...and he's my best friend (how lucky am i?).

this is how aaron drew himself on a note he left me last night. =)

i like you, buddy.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

mpl- minneapolis public library

so yeah, it's pretty cool inside. it's certainly dramatic, and seems infinitely more usable than the previous library, so that's nice.

aaron says his biggest beef is that you can't go all the way to the top (into the cantilevers- the things that jut out on either side). he also thinks people should be able to walk all the way around the center area on all the floors. the way it is now, you can get stuck at one end or the other and then you have to backtrack a bit.

neither of those things bothered me, though. i thought it was cool.

we ran into a bunch of people we know:
joni and teresa from the house across the street (and their kids)
susan from share save spend (ham client)
judd, a friend of vicente's
vicente- he was 'working'
i think there was one more person, but i can't remember

check out my flickr photos...

Friday, May 19, 2006

a little time off

i've found that i suddenly have some time off, to enjoy the sunshine, to enjoy the new house, to practice my cello, to go to the YMCA, to look for a new job...


Thursday, May 18, 2006

immigration- 's got everyone riled up

so there are a bunch of commercials that have recently launched for the san diego zoo that have ruffled some feathers.

check out one of them here.

if they had launched these at any time besides when the whole country is inflamed by the immigration debate, they would have probably been loved.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

keetra- cranbrook grad

i worked with keetra at carmichael lynch. i like her. she just graduated from cranbrook in michigan. way to go, keetra.

her website is here.

she is a fantastic designer.

she is a smart chick. check out her photobooth project here.

if she doesn't already rule the world, watch out, cause she will soon.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


thank you.

thank you, most fine citizens

it encompassed an entire house and garage.

it lasted 10.5 hours.

it brought forth more than 40 adults and at least 6 young children (including one who felt the need to run naked through the house).

it resulted in many fine gifts, cards, wishes, and even a new dent in the side of our car.

it was an awesome party.

thank you fine citizens of the cities for taking over our house and helping it become our home.


i took a lot of pictures before the party, a few during the party, and many this morning as i surveyed the damage. check them all out (except the naked child which should not be posted on the INTERNET)... here:

tasha- she's cool

and she takes really great pictures.

i love her pics from the full moon easter.

the graffiti pics are neat-o, too, but what she says about the bubble gum on the wall is gross.

i'm glad you made it to our housewarming party, tasha!

Friday, May 12, 2006

macintosh, on the rampage- personification spots

watching these commercials is like watching the u.s. bomb iraq- iraq is completely unprepared and certainly not in a position to win.

i suppose the only difference is, millions of innocent people aren't dying and being raped, pillaged, and exploited for oil.

okay, bad analogy. So now that i've offended most of the free world i should just say- if you haven't seen the mac/pc commercials, check em out here.

my favorite is the networking one...

housewarming eve- rainy but upbeat

so it's raining, and it's supposed to rain all weekend, how do you like that?

well i guess it's no big deal that aaron can't mow the lawn, since no one will want to be outside near it anyway.

rain can't get me down, though. friends and neighbors are coming over to my new house tomorrow to help us warm it up and that's a nice feeling.

also, this house... (remember that whole thing? how we put an offer on it, had it accepted, and then had the bank decline the deal? remember that shitty thing?)... well that house is still on the market... for less than we offered for it... and they can't get anyone to buy it. i think there really is a body in that house after all.

and so i say to you all, my house, and my housewarming party, rule!

somehow, this comes to mind for me right now:
This House and I are joined by the bonds of love. And you cannot track that. Not with a thousand bloodhounds. And you cannot break it. Not with a thousand swords. And when I say you are a coward, that is only because you are the slimiest weakling ever to crawl the earth.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

housewarming partay! (and free microwave)

i hope you all come to our party. it will be fun. we still have a lot of work to do to be done with it, but we'll get it all done somehow. let me know if you need party details.

also, we have a microwave we don't need. does anyone need an almost new microwave? let me know and it's yours.

kickball nod to the colonel

i feel like i'm cheating here, but i have to direct you to aaron's latest blog.

he has contacted the colonel for kickball consultation, and it's really worth reading about.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

diner dash- i can't wait to pretend i'm a waitress again

thanks to shad for introducing me to this little gem of a game: diner dash

in some strange way, you're inwardly driven to deliver all the food and make all the customers happy... and it's just a game!

almost makes me want to play a game where you get points for ticking people off- am i sick?

turn your boss into a pinata for fun

bret's birthday was last week, so the ham team turned a pinata into a bret effigy and then forced him to whack at it with a wooden bat:

he was a great sport, and ended up beheading the thing, altogether.

reminds me of one of my recent posts: whack your boss

aaron is the lawn master

i meant to post this last week, but i've been blog slacking...

here is aaron mowing our lawn at our new house for the first time ever:

does man-work in the yard turn every girl on like it does me?

Friday, May 05, 2006 creates curiosity inspiring laugh

the laugh i released after checking out this site (and this spot in the site in particular)...

...motivated my boss to rush to my office to see what could be so funny (i laugh often in here but he only investigates under highly contagious laughter circumstances)

check it out, be prepared.

thanks for the link, megan. awesome!

tivo 'cheats' me- tv spot by mitsubishi

so i only see commercials online now... (thanks to tivo)

this one is kinda interesting- by mitsubishi

awesome hockey commercial- gatorade

you have to see this, it's hilarious and i love it (yes, really)