aaron 'colonel' dewitt and susan quakkelaar
our friends are hilarious. last night was the kickball end-of-the-season party at kat and scott's house and they had the most awesome-ist trophy for us enscribed with '1st place kickball captains' and our names. it is so perfect. it beats out any other trophy i've ever gotten because it is so damn cool that our friends gave it to us.
the last two years have really been awesome. i'm always amazed at how great our friends are and i don't regret the time we've spent on the team because the fun we've had was worth any amount of trouble, that's for sure. now that we've had some distance from the game for a couple of weeks, the trouble we went through seems so small now. especially with a great trophy on our fireplace.
they also got us a gift certificate to both REI and Fujiya, which i thought was way generous. they really made us feel special.
thanks for all the good captain times, kickball team.
welcome all the good kickball playing times, future.