Sunday, October 15, 2006

i got a letter from al franken!

the envelop says 'please help me get rid of republicans'...

the letter starts 'dear person i'm writing to ask for money' and continues on with a pretty persuasive, and hilarious, plea...

'i've gotten more politically involved because i'm sick and tired of watching radical republicans mislead us into a costly and tragically stupid war, sell our government to the highest bidder, ignore the real priorities of real americans - and then have the nerve to question OUR patriotism and OUR values...

... the GOP has threatened our basic liberties, lined the pockets of speical interests at taxpayer expense, left our nation's most vulnerable citizens to fend for the themselves, and embroiled our country in a misguided war with no end in sight. not to mention cheney shooting that guy in the face...

...growing up in minnesota, i was taught to value the things that really matter - like honesty and hard work... equal rights and opportunities... strong and healthy families... common sense and integrity in government... and the belief that we're all in this together. also, following a friend to the hospital after you've accidentally shot him in the face...

okay, so two 'shots' at the vp mishap, but in there he couches a very important point- cheney didn't even follow his friend to the hospital!! i love the way the GOP throws around the word 'values' so easily, but has no sense of what it really means...

so when al franken says 'please help me get rid of republican's', i'm in, and more importantly, i'm reminded of the strategy i envisioned back when W 'won' the second election... each democrat/independent/green party person should 'eliminate' one republican, doesn't matter how. then we'll solve all the countries problems with one fell swoop (including social security)!!

i think i'll send some money to al and tell him about my strategy!

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