Tuesday, February 20, 2007

flu shot, i should have never doubted you

i've always doubted that the flu shot really does any good. i remember one year that i got a flu shot and then i got strep like three times and i swore off the flu shot as an immune system weakener...

silly me.

thankfully, rmg offered free shots this year and i stopped in to get one, snickering to myself as i did: 'silly flu shot'

so saturday night i felt a little tightness in my chest and left lindsey and michael's party early to get some rest. on sunday, the tightness was still there, but not so bad. on monday, i left work to go home and get a few hours rest since i was a little tired and afraid i was getting sick. I got two hours of sleep, worked late, and since then, i've felt increasingly better, never looking back. i feel great now. at the worst of it, there was a little tightness in my chest and i felt somewhat tired. that's it.

okay, so compare that to aaron's poor story...

sunday he started with a little cough. little. monday morning, he had a roaring fever and couldn't move. it was all he could do to force down food and liquids last night in between passing out exhausted on the couch. same story all day today. though he says he's feeling better, he really has only been able to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. if i hadn't been here to force him to take ibuprofen to reduce his fever or to eat, i imagine he would have done none of those things. i'm sure it's influenza, without a doubt. i really should go check on him again.

flu shot, i thank you.

buddy, hang in there.

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