aaron and i went camping over the weekend in northern wisconsin. we had a bear put his front paws on the front of our car and we found some fantastic waterfalls and glorious nature areas.
i'll be in chicago for a couple of days for work but i hope to post pics and video of the bear soon soon soon.
i've been dreaming a lot lately, and the one this morning was the final insult!! i declare i'm never dreaming again!
i had just landed a great job at northwest airlines with all my professional friends, when i became interested in some other job that i didn't know anything about. i quit nwa and took the other job- seems like a good move, right?
the new job was as a waitress at some stupid restaurant.
i spent the rest of the dream agonizing over ruining my career forever.
i seriously had a moment after i woke up when i thought the dream was true and then i was relieved when i realized i was safe.
i already like going to work, but it made me like it more today. =)
when aaron and i learned that cole was going home, we decided to spend our last afternoon together at the children's museum, enjoying every last moment we had with him.
i'm so glad lindsey, kat and max joined us. aaron and i agree, without them, the afternoon would have been super depressing.
instead, it was hilarious and glorious and a wonderful way to say goodbye to a little boy we love.
tears are coming as i write this. it's been really tough letting go of all of the fun we hoped to have with cole and his sister. we're really sad that the fun had to end and there has been a lot of tears since cole left. we just didn't have enough time with him. =(
stephers just called me. john has told her he's going to leave after work tomorrow to come here and get cole from us. he says he misses his family and doesn't want to be alone without them.
what can i say? so manyfeelings about that. so many thoughts.
sitting on the porch, connected to the INTERNET, the kid is sleeping, the lightening is lightening, the thunder is thundering, the rain is raining, the bliss is blissing.
cole has been with us for two weeks now and it's been great! it's nice having him around. his little personality is so precious, and he really is a good boy.
he has already gotten a little banged up- aaron took him to the playground and he fell on his face somehow. aaron says there was plenty of blood, real tears, and a bunch of parents standing around staring. =( he required two spongebob bandaids on his face and one on his uninjured arm.
playground pics- he goes to the playground nearly every day. i think he enjoys having two parents all to himself and not having to share with his sister... that is until she arrives next saturday.
better enjoy it now while it lasts, cole.
soon the two-kid craziness will set in... what will become of us?