Tuesday, July 24, 2007

mom: hi

so i was working at my desk yesterday and all of a sudden i got an instant message from "mom". it said, simply, hi.

i just kind of snickered at first. what a great spam ploy... who's attention wouldn't that catch?

as i went to close the window, i scanned the email address just out of curiosity and realized, wait- that is my mom!

my mom totally instant messaged me. she was even throwing down all sorts of shortcuts and abbreviations as we chatted. the inner geek in me was proud, somehow.

i very much organize my life in my head, sorta like a california closet... this thing goes over there and that thing goes over here.

my mom just popped a hole out from her shelf and climbed into a whole bunch of other shelves. it was a good thing, but until she did that, i didn't really realize that i rely on shelves to keep everything organized.

i'm not even sure that makes any sense.

1 comment:

Erika said...

totally makes sense. mine is probably more like an ikea closet though. ;)

i think my world would be totally shaken if my dad did the same. like my brain would have to take a few days to digest it to make sense. and as you put... reorganize.