Friday, December 07, 2007

Life Revolution- am i ready to blog again?

so yeah, how was i to know that everything in my life would change 100% in 3 months time?

i really didn't even think that was possible.

yet here i am, rethinking everything i know about practically everything; exhausted and exhilarated by the last 3 months of my life.

that one line from fight club where ed norton and brad pitt's characters are talking about their relationship comes to mind repeatedly for me:
fuck what you know. you need to forget about what you know, that's your problem. forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me.

i feel a little bit like ed norton's character must have felt when he realized things weren't quite what he thought they were.

it took some time for all the pieces to come together and make sense, but once they did, he welcomed the truth, and i think i do to.

it's surreal.

but it's welcome.

'my eyes are open.'

i say to sam: you met me at a very strange time in my life.

my hopes:

aaron and i will remain close friends throughout our lives and share all our wonderful events at least in some close proximity.

i will continue to open my eyes to the truth about myself and keep them as open as possible.

i will have the courage to make decisions based on the truths i know and the truths i learn about myself and others near me.

i will allow myself the luxury of actually making mistakes (some big ones) so that i can learn to grow and love myself at the same time i experience life to the fullest.

i will welcome my decision to drift down the river of life and trust that the current has always supported me and always will.

i will always treat people with the love, respect and honor they deserve.

i will stop being so dramatic about all this shit.

i'm a little scared... i'm sure that's normal.

make sure to vote in my latest poll-------->

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