i hate crap like red bull and monster cause it's just a bunch of crappy chemicals meant to unnaturally boost your energy level- it's not natural for your body.
but then sam introduced me to RUMBA, which is 100% juice, and gosh darn it- i like it.
i still don't like unnaturally boosting my energy, since you really should get your energy from good food, healthy hydration and exercise, but for once in a while when i've stayed up late, or for a weekend like this one, i'm all for it. =)
plus, i like the taste of it.
who knew?
1 comment:
Suzy Q... I am "stuck" in Aruba - for work, really! Anyway, since I have to be all professional in the morning, I can't go out and drink like a fish tonight, so I thought I'd check up and see what I could find on the internet. I found your blog link and took a gander since I haven't seen you in like forever! I feel I've been on an emotional rollercoaster - and I've just been reading your blogs! I guess that's what I get for dropping off the face of the earth. Just wanted to know I am thinking of you and send my love and hugs and support, and wishes that you'll be the best damn websit builder this weekend (while drinking 100% juice, of course!) If I ever get off this island, I will have to get in touch for real. Miss you!
Maggi (um, you do remember me... right?) Kat... Kickball... :-)
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