Wednesday, April 30, 2008

joquese loyd- sad ending

quite a few years back, i joined the big brother/big sisters organization for a little more than a year.

the little girl they paired me with was joquese. she was such a challenge. she didn't behave well enough for me to take her into public (though i tried so many times), so we spent a lot of our time at my place, making salads and cookies together.

it was so hard spending time with her, because she was so misbehaved and troubled... because it reminded me of how scary adolescence is... because it reminded me of how scary a messed up home life can be... she was a challenge on so many levels.

in the end, her mother didn't cooperate with the rules of the program, so they terminated our match.

to be honest, i was glad that happened because i had come to dread my time with her.

why am i bringing this all up now?

well last night i saw on the news that she had been shot to death, at 15 years old.


here are some of the details:

Police said another woman inside the house said Loyd was trying to get Johnson's attention by waving a kitchen knife in his face.

According to the complaint, the witness said Johnson pulled out a gun and set it on his lap. Loyd said she was not afraid of him, and that's when the witness said Johnson fired the gun at her. The first time the gun did not go off, but the complaint says the second time it did, hitting the teenager in the chest and killing her.

The complaint says he had had sexual relationships with both Loyd and another woman who was in the home at the time of the shooting.

Loyd is also known as Jacques Brown, with a birth date that would make her 19. She used that name and age when she was previously arrested, police said. They say she is actually 15.

all the info

when i think of her now, i think of all her dreams that she shared with me, her goal to not have sex before she was 18, how much she loved her daddy, how angry she was when she had to stay in her room, how much she loved math, what it was like when their little kitten died.

she was so young, and so troubled.

my heart is so heavy today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well i also knew joquese too i was locked up with her in bar none, she was funny and smart nd intelligent, she might of had sum ruff ends on her but hey wat can u say wen u have a mother thats noth there for u nd u live in da streets and for u to sit up and say that u r glad u didnt work with her any more is fucked up, u dont deservr to be anybodys big sister, maybe u should of helped her more nd been there for her she was lookin for love r.i.p joquese nd have mercu on da bitch soul who wrote this!!!