Friday, May 30, 2008

new iphone?

i know that people everywhere are starving for an iphone, so is it selfish of me to get the new one when so many people will be going without?

i really want it, and i think i will be getting it, once it's out- seriously, they need to release it NOW.

i'll be using my stimulus check, so one could even argue that it would be american for me to get one.

but i think of all those who are starving in africa, and i realize that i've only had my iphone since january 25th (four blessed months)...

so i ask- is it wrong for me to salivate at the thought of the new one as i plan to take a day off work to stand in line to buy it the instant it's available?

is it wrong (say no)?


Anonymous said...

Not only is it NOT wrong, but mayhaps there is a friend that would want the old one for cheap or nothin! Maybe even one that would reply to this post!


Anonymous said...

There's not a thing wrong with it! I want an iphone too, just not the carrier that it is attached to.