Friday, October 21, 2005

childhood memories- less than fond ones

aaron showed me this video the other day:

be prepared, it's a bit extreme. when i saw it, i flashed back to my childhood, actually.

a 16 year old kid has turned his video recorder on during a fight he's having with his mom. she is screaming at the top of her lungs at him because she wants money from him and he's insisting she ask him nicely.

let's just say if i ever even thought of speaking to my mother this way when she was angry, i don't even know what she would have done to me, but i can tell you that i'm 30 now, and still scared to imagine.

the part of the video that freaks me out the most is the part where the stepdad is trying to reason with the 16 year old kid that he should give his mother the money because she has supported him all these years.

really people, this is so wrong for so many reasons. and something deep deep inside of me cringes when i hear this 'logic'.

unfortunately, it is the logic of my childhood. i'm tempted to relive some of the worst phrases here in my blog, but instead, i'm taking a deep breath and letting it go tonight.

i have a hard time dealing with the realization that people could have such a disturbing and dangerous view of the parent / child relationship.

please, stay away from the drinking water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O my...
If I am ever like that, I will not be happy with myself. Your right, it is a look back into the past. Insanity that anyone has to live this way.