i don't know why i've recently run across so many kitty sites, but here are some good ones for when you feel like sighing to yourself 'awww, how cute'.
Stuff on My Cat
okay, i don't know why, but there are lots of people in the world who like to pile things on top of their cat, take pictures of them, and then humiliate them by posting the pictures on this thing called the internet. this site makes me literally laugh out loud. (thanks jamey)

Cute Overload
it's just too much. i can't take it. it's not right.
the caption with this picture on the site was: Is it wrong to want to SQUEEEEZE a kitten?

Kitten War!
oh no you di'int.
it's important to fight the good fight. go to this site and settle the score, who is the cutest kitten of all.

be careful, don't hurt yourself...
We have a couple kitten picutres of our cats on kitten war:
They've since turned into big jerks.
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