I needed to call back several times to try to re-navigate my way through their automated phone system, since I wasn't able the first few times to find the exact right combination of buttons that would get me a live, breathing human.
haven't we all been there?
and what a coincidence... i ran across this site shortly thereafter: http://www.gethuman.com/us/
you can go to this site and get phone numbers (sometimes unreleased) and detailed instructions for how to get ahold of an actual human.
I have to laugh at some of the instructions on the page... my favorite is:
SUNOCO- 800‑278‑6626- Press 0 five times, then mumble when prompted for an account number.

it's such a frustrating state of customer service affairs in america, when companies decide to bury their human support.
my other favorite is the statement- 'i'm sorry, it's our policy'
roughly translated, that means 'someone way high up in the company made a decision to fuck you, and i'm the front person who is completely unempowered to do anything more than listen to your complaint and pretend like i care.'
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