Sunday, June 10, 2007

removal of a fish hook

you must be thinking there's some code out there that says- when your husband/buddy/friend has a fish hook impaled in his finger, it is not appropriate to photograph or video tape the event.

i'm not so sure any such code exists, as you can plainly see below.

if you're even the slightest bit squeamish, it's probably not a good idea for you to check out all the pics here.

these are a few of the less graphic pictures...

we used to call this lure 'princess' but will refer to her as 'the bitch' from now on. oh yes, we've decided to add a couple of hooks back to it and throw it out. with the blood sacrifice already given, it's bound to catch us a few big ones.

i love the matter of fact language on the discharge papers... "We removed the fish hook that punctured your skin."

yes, the code in your head may say- you don't take video of the fish hook being removed from the finger of a loved one. i enjoy the blissful absence of that code in my head.

take the poll in the top of the right margin and tell me if i've crossed the line ---->

btw, i have purposely not answered the question- so how did the hook actually became embedded in aaron's finger?
i want to leave some of the story for him to tell. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome video! What people really want to know is, how did this all happen!?