i'm not so sure any such code exists, as you can plainly see below.
if you're even the slightest bit squeamish, it's probably not a good idea for you to check out all the pics here.
these are a few of the less graphic pictures...

i love the matter of fact language on the discharge papers... "We removed the fish hook that punctured your skin."

yes, the code in your head may say- you don't take video of the fish hook being removed from the finger of a loved one. i enjoy the blissful absence of that code in my head.
take the poll in the top of the right margin and tell me if i've crossed the line ---->
btw, i have purposely not answered the question- so how did the hook actually became embedded in aaron's finger?
i want to leave some of the story for him to tell. =)
1 comment:
Awesome video! What people really want to know is, how did this all happen!?
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