Monday, August 20, 2007

dad survived!!

despite 1) taking a plunge face first into the beach at temperance river, and 2) tripping over the canoe face first into the drink (officially qualifying himself as asswet), dad made it through the boundary waters trip unharmed. he was somewhat sore, but not unlike the rest of us. =)

so i'll start by saying a bad day in the bwcaw is better than a good day just about anywhere else.

with that said...

1. we had a helluva tough paddle across homer lake, the first lake we dipped into
2. we didn't find an open campsite on the lake we were hoping for, which meant we had to paddle two more lakes and portage another 65 rods
3. our campsite was in an burn down area, which means no live trees to hang bear packs in. we spent a lot of time trying to hang a pack in a tree by the water, which didn't work as well as we hoped
4. since we spent all that time hanging a bear pack, we missed a canoe opportunity in the middle of the lake, watching the sunset =(
5. it was a gorgeous sunset
6. fires were banned so we got cold and went to bed early
7. after breakfast, we spent a lot more time trying to hang the bear pack again. after at least an hour of mishaps, we were finally on our way to a hung pack, when 'snap!' the line broke and the pack dropped emphatically on the ground. rude!
8. yay- we caught a bunch of fishies!!
9. dad fell into the lake and nearly took aaron and i with him
10. the dessert i brought along (instant lemon pudding) was a disaster! anyone who tells you that you can substitute evaporated milk for real milk in pudding is outa their mind.
11. beautiful moon
12. again, cold. no fire sucks!
13. on the morning we were leaving, the wind picked up again, AND it shifted. which means our trek home was, just like our trip in, straight into the wind. we did get to see brule lake for the first time. that lake is huge!! (and gorgeous)
14. success!! aaron's dad did pretty well. he carried the canoe on his shoulders like a real trooper, cast his fishing pole with all his weight from the center of the canoe, and just ask us to tell you about his pack sometime.

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