Tuesday, August 28, 2007

susan is a teacher?

i'm co-teaching a class this fall at MCAD called Project Tracking. tonight was my first class and it was pretty cool. i'm really excited to see how the class goes. i feel like i have a lot to teach people about this subject.

been feeling really down lately. part of it is physiological i think, part of it is insecurity. i do much better when everything stays exactly the same and i know what to expect. when there is change in my life, even though i am the one creating it and it is desirable, it really does a job on my level of security within the universe. i usually go with my instincts, which are really very reliable, and then i spend the rest of my time second guessing myself and feeling down in general.

anyone else ever feel this way? can i get a what what?

if you're reading this, do me a favor and leave a comment just to let me know you're there and you feel me... =)


juliefaye said...

I absolutely hear you! You are definitely not alone, I often go through the same thing. Sorry to hear your feeling down. I know you'll get through this because you're smart!

Anonymous said...

Giving you a what what!
Change causes unconcious stress for me. I'm not aware it's there and don't even feel it, but it wreaks havok on my system. Every time I move to a new home I get sick.

Lori said...

Trying new things always makes me wonder why I couldn't just be happy with doing the same old thing everyday because I seemed to do it pretty well and this new thing? Sort of makes me want to barf because obviously I'm not smart enough.

Turns out the new things I learn turn out awesome. Otherwise I would totally stop doing new things.

Unknown said...

i myself am in love with change, cos i'm in love with life itself. and, as we all know, to live is to experience change. resistance is futile. roll with it, baby. that said, i love you mega-big-time, and i'm sorry your life is stressful. but i know you'll be a great teacher, and leave all your students with amazing new knowledge.

Erika said...

what what!
i hear ya. I am the same way.

Anonymous said...

Wow- you just described my current state of emotion so succinctly.

And I thought it was just *me*! :)

Kat said...

*kiss *kiss! Change can be fun and exciting, but at the same time stressful. I know you are a bright, fun, and exciting person. Your students will love you!

squakk said...

tracy says: Congrats Susan!! Could they have found a more perfect teacher for that class?? I don't think so. ;)

It's totally natural to second guess yourself and feel uncomfortable when faced with change. I get exactly the same way. Even good changes require extra effort. It's exhausting and uncomfortable. Routine is comfy and snuggly but rarely exciting.

You're going to do great and your students are so lucky!

thanks tracy!! you are so so sweet!

Unknown said...

Mrs. Quakks.

You will be a kick-ass teacher.
Stress can be a good thing (all things in moderation).
Nothing but positive vibes going your way...
