Saturday, October 27, 2007

boston broke my camera =(

i went out to boston for work this week and the city was really nice to me for awhile, but then it decided to break my camera- my dearest friend who is really just an extension of my self.

how did it break my camera? i'm not really sure... i was taking pictures in little italy, near mike's pastry (serious yumminess, btw). then when i went to review the pics later, the screen showed me a picture i didn't remember taking. =( then i realized the screen was broken and i died inside.

i'd like to show you what that screen looks like since it's got great color and composition, but i can't take a picture of it, unfortunately. =(

the sadness in me is nearly unbearable. i can't even look at the pics on the card, cause they only remind me that i can't take anymore pics for awhile.

boston, why did you break my baby?


besides ruining my life, boston was so nice to me. how can i reconcile a city that is nice and mean at the same time?

if you're reading this and you know how much i love my camera, please leave a comment- i need some lovin'...


Anonymous said...

sniffle, you didn't even call me while you were here, we could have totally met in the North End!

Kat said...

Oh, my! Susan without a camera! How soon can it be replaced (not that it can ever really be replaced)?! Big kisses and hugs for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about your camera. I stopped naming mine since they seem to die so often for me. I'm really close to giving my new one a name since I have had it for 5 whole months. Amazing!!! If you want you can bury it with my 16 others in the background. Love you sister!! Hugs and kisses!! (and some icky rocks)

Gene said...

Oh Suzy Q, I'm sooooo sorry! Can you ever replace such a dear friend?