Thursday, October 11, 2007

but then why are they always so sad?

my logic class from college is coming back to me when i see this:

how many different fallacial or misleading statements can you spot in here?

why do i suddenly feel like a terrorist or satan?

(thanks sam)


Anonymous said...

preach on, brother susan.

Anonymous said...

i, for one, am glad tht someone is looking out for our children. god forbid one of them wind up at your crotchety house and be tricked into neglecting god's word!

Bridget said...

Wow. Wow. Really? Wow. I thought after BBC I'd seen it all. Gotta go lift my jaw up off the floor now.

Anonymous said...

At least seven. Wow...where do they hand these babies out? Anyway, I'm too bitter and have to go cry now...