barry gerst and associates is the best dentist office in town.
here's why:
1. i managed to chip my front tooth the night before a busy work day which involved client meetings.
2. i called (desperately) first thing in the morning to gerst's office, and they only had a 3pm appointment available, which wouldn't work because i couldn't go to my meetings with half a tooth, and i couldn't reschedule them.
3. i called another dentist who was able to get me in right away.
4. he 'fixed' my tooth by grinding at least half of it off, grinding off some of the one next to it as well (since it was also a little unstable), and then filling it with enamel to match the rest of my teeth (by the way, do you know how vulnerable a person feels laying in a chair, just after their two front teeth have been grinded away, hoping that everything works out for the best?). so my teeth are fixed, right? problem solved? not so fast...
5. i went to work, had a couple meetings, then ate lunch. i'll be damned if the pizza wasn't just a little crunchier than it should have been, if you know what i mean (the filling on the back of my front tooth broke off, and left a sharp edge for my tongue to play with).
6. i went to my big client meeting with half a tooth, though visually, it looked okay.
7. i rushed to the 3pm appointment at gerst's office, which was thankfully still available.
8. after dr. sims fixed my tooth (a little more fixed than the previous dentist) he said- i think you've been through enough today, we won't charge you for this fix.
9. i had the urge to kiss him directly on the mouth, but refrained, thankfully.
10. the tooth is now fixed, and beautiful if i do say so myself. i happen to think the gap is even more lovely than it was before the chip ever happened, don't you agree?

11. dr. gerst and associates, at 2701 nicollet avenue, minneapolis, is the best dentist office in the whole world. i thought so before this situation, but it's now written on my blog, so it's forever.
thank you, sweet dentists, for saving my teeth, and being so nice about it!!
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