i went out to boston for work this week and the city was really nice to me for awhile, but then it decided to break my camera- my dearest friend who is really just an extension of my self.
how did it break my camera? i'm not really sure... i was taking pictures in little italy, near mike's pastry (serious yumminess, btw). then when i went to review the pics later, the screen showed me a picture i didn't remember taking. =( then i realized the screen was broken and i died inside.
i'd like to show you what that screen looks like since it's got great color and composition, but i can't take a picture of it, unfortunately. =(
the sadness in me is nearly unbearable. i can't even look at the pics on the card, cause they only remind me that i can't take anymore pics for awhile.
boston, why did you break my baby?
besides ruining my life, boston was so nice to me. how can i reconcile a city that is nice and mean at the same time?
if you're reading this and you know how much i love my camera, please leave a comment- i need some lovin'...
we had a lot of fun while she was here- shopping, taking pics, eating sushi, talking. i'll miss her.
btw, i asked her why she didn't hit my blog with a really good story of me to amuse all of you and she surprised me- she said she couldn't think of any stories that weren't really really embarrassing.
it's true, she has some really embarrassing stories about me, but i was surprised becuase i thought she would have delighted in the opportunity to really stick it to me. =)
especially after i mentioned that her first boyfriend, david, kissed me in his bedroom not too long after they broke up. (now there's a memory)
it's not too late, jj- you could still hack my blog again before you leave...
aaron made the most incredible surf and turf ever for jj and me:
grilled new york strip with mushrooms, grilled scallops with an amazing tomatillo cilantro white wine sauce, minnesota cous cous (wild rice, cous cous, corn, zucchini, red pepper)...
holy cow, that was amazing!!
jen asked me to mention- she ate two whole scallops, and she doesn't really even like them!! (she gave her last one to me me me!)
yeah, i'm not going to get up on a soap box about it, but i like the change in attitude about the beauty industry, illustrated by the dove 'evolution' ad and their latest one, 'onslaught':
there is something that bothers me slightly about these ads, maybe that dove hasn't always held this perspective and probably helped contribute to the current situation. it's cool tho that they're leading this new attitude.
there's this channel on youtube created by girls who are 'flipping' ads because they are disrespectful, irrelevant, promote an unhealthy body image, and in their opinions, fail to effectively sell the product they represent to the target audience- girls. check out the channel here.
here's a good representative example:
yep, i also love that the girls get to state what they think on video- helps improve their own confidence, i'm sure. great approach.
About the "he's so greasy" comment- I've always wanted the VERY best for Susan, and also I'm a schmuck. Put the two together, open mouth, insert foot.
It took me a little bit to realize that although Aaron was not exactly what I expected, he was exactly what Sue needed- and needs. He is perfect for her, and I love him for being so good to her.
my best friend from high school is coming into town today!!! she's the one who sat next to me in world lit class when i fell in love with aaron... her response was 'him?? he's so greasy!'
she and her husband (which makes her jen r0ss!ng, now) were the only people at our wedding, unless you count the group of people that stopped on their morning walk to watch and sniffle.
my dear friend linda took me to see 'two queens, one castle' tonight to celebrate our shared birthday and the show was so amazing. the singing was incredible, it was so moving and inspirational.
i really love linda- she is so good to me. i am just so thankful she is in my life. everytime i see her and talk to her, a little bit of her wisdom and life's philosophy rub off on me and i'm a little better for it.
tonight was no different- thanks for the insight and perspective, linda!!
- lindsey got lost and slept in her car - jeff and i became bff's (best fart friends) - julie camped for the first time and loved it - lindsey shared her toothpaste with me - zack drank too much and got sick - saire and mark argued about how fast mark was driving - jeff and lindsey got married
here is the longer, more detailed summary:
jeff, aaron and i drove up on friday. we got out of town a little late (okay, yes, maybe i was working a little bit...) and we stopped at fitgers in duluth for a little lunch and a few frosty beers. mmm.
we found our campsite easily, and jeff and i put up our tents while aaron went to get firewood. while he was in town, aaron called lindsey to make sure she was clear on how to get to the site. he said that the connection was bad, but he thought he had given her all the directions...
after we put up our tents, we headed down to the lake. the moon was so beautiful!
yummy bratwursts and beer for dinner. it got cold quick and we waited patiently for my dear friend lindsey. at about midnight, i gave up and went to bed, asking aaron to stay up a little later for her, which he did.
in the morning, still no lindsey, so jeff and i headed out to find her. we got to town and checked my messages- there was one with lindsey crying, which broke my heart clear in two. she had gotten lost and had slept in her car... =(
so we called her, found her, and hugged her for at least 5 minutes straight!!
then we went back to camp, got some breakfast, and headed out to lutsen.
when we got there, we found out that they weren't running the alpine slides on account of weather, so we got drunk and played scrabble. =)
soon saire and mark showed up and we hung out a little longer until we could see that the mountain tram was finally running.
we took a trip up the mountain and checked out all the fog on top. =)
the colors were amazing!
then we drove down to temperance river state park to meet jules and zack and to hike around there. the waterfalls are so fun in the fall.=)
headed back to camp and aaron made pork chops (and apple sauce), potatoes, and corn on the cob. fabulous!
julie and lindsey brought birthday dessert, so we scarfed that, too.
then, the campfire conversation kicked into gear and we hung until late into the night.
at one point, the boys decided to find campfire and even had a wood chopping competition or something silly like that with an old ax aaron and i bought in 1996 (yes, i remember when we bought the ax) which has never been sharpened.
beers were drank, laughs were had, good stuff.
in the morning, it was raining (and zack was puking outside his tent), so we piled into the cars, left zack behind to recover, and hit a restaurant in town for breakfast.
we came back to camp and most of the group headed out. julie and zack hung around until zack was well enough to travel, then the four of us went to split rock lighthouse, which is one of my favorite sites up there.
we said goodbye to julie and zack and hung out at the beach for awhile longer.
we drove home.
all the pics:
i'll post some video soon...
aaron has something he would like to say... ____________________________
yay for susan's birthday!! it was awesome.
in honor of susan's project management skills, this list of 'things not to forget when you go up to the northwoods' was compiled around the campfire on saturday.
if anyone reads this and goes camping in northern minnesota, don't forget your:
ashtray, bratwurst, campfire, dildo, egg, fart-knocker, galazy, horseradish, icabod crane, jelly bellies, kayak, both your legs, your military, a nano second, octopus, pipe, quantum mechanics, recess, sub sandwich, transformers more than meets they eye, uzbekistan, victory, water, a xenophobe, yogurt, and when you're ready to sleep, some zzzz's. ____________________________