Friday, January 11, 2008

transition update

aaron is moving into his own apartment this weekend. i'm planning to help him finish packing tomorrow and then move on sunday.

it's been so sad to make this transition. the grief and sorrow are sometimes so overwhelming, i cry without being able to stop.

when i'm in that place, i always try to remember:
- this is the way it needs to be, it just does
- it's not like we won't see each other
- i can love everything about aaron and accept him the way he is, but that doesn't mean we are right to be together
- this will be so good for us and we will both grow tons from it
- it's not an end, it's the natural progression of life

i remember those things, but sometimes they don't help and i'm just so damn sad.

on the flip side, i think aaron is showing more excitement than he was. either that or i caught him at a good moment yesterday. i hope he can get excited and see this as such a huge opportunity for him, which it is. the freedom may be scary at first, but i imagine it will grow on him quickly.

i love you, buddy.

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