Wednesday, July 20, 2005

s quakkelacker's series of unfortunate events

also known as: how not to get a good night's rest.

lost the softball game.
stayed up late to get something for work done.
woke up at around 1:30 dreaming about the work I did.
woke up a half hour later to stop the door from creaking and keeping me awake.
woke up 15 minutes later for 'revenge of the maximus' (pizza luce with sausage).
stumbled back into the bedroom to get my glasses so i could see if i could stop the toilet from overflowing (that was just nasty).
spent 15 minutes cleaning up the mess.
fell back asleep finally
woke up at 3:30 because of a very loud thunderstorm.
woke up at 7am to start my day.

okay, the kitty and the buddy were very excellent snugglers, they were the only good thing about the night.

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