Thursday, September 01, 2005

end of week = successful color printout

so my transition is complete, i'm fully employed again and tomorrow will be the last day of my first full week at ham in the fridge.

the first two days were rough, only because i went from knowing the ins and outs of everything at CL to not being able to execute a simple color printout at ham in the fridge. and though i know that it isn't because i'm an idiot, but rather because i simply don't have all the information a person needs to function at 100% (which includes having the proper driver installed), that didn't stop that sense of frustration and disappointment from invading my brain and body. the female curse didn't do much to bring me out of that feeling on monday and tuesday.

wednesday and thursday picked up splendidly, though, that's for sure. i'm starting to feel my feet beneath me now and i think i've turned a corner toward integration with the new peeps.

they are nice to me now, but that's gotta change if i'm gonna be happy in this position. they will learn, i'm sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you BERY much.